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Reviews for Alum Creek State Park
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Columbus, OH

Overall TRAIL RATING with 12 votes:
Overall CAMP RATING with 11 votes:

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Individual Reviews

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

Rode 2 hours Saturday and 2.5 on Sunday. Trails were in relatively good condition considering its been too cold to ride. The only real concern generally is slippery trail when wet but it's pretty dry right now. It appears to me to be an under rated trail. We love it. The campground is nice and has a nice restroom. Intermediate trails.
Reviewed by: Sallynda Dennison on 2/21/2017 8:11:13 PM
Experience: Intermediate Ride Date: 2/19/2017 Hometown: Boerne , Tx

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

The campgrounds seem well maintained, there is a place to wash your horse (although we didn't know that until the last day) & a place to fill water tanks/get horse water. The port-a-pot was recently cleaned. It is right next to a road & there's a boat ramp just down the road that we heard partying from into the night. We pulled in Friday noon & the best campsites where mostly taken (the west & north edges have the best shade), if you're coming Saturday the middle sites w/o shade may be all that's left. I liked the cable highlines as they don't sage like rope although like previousely mentioned many are in a line so your horse may end up next to a stranger. The trails on the other hand were something we had to get used to - up & down countless ravines, deep mud and/or a creek at the bottom of nearly every one (my horse lost a shoe & a bell boot, we saw more of both throughout the weedend). The ascents & decents can be very steep - not for the faint of heart! You're horse needs to be in good shape & you need to be a confident rider. The outlooks were very pretty, pretty much everything is through woods & there's plenty of water along the way for your horse (creeks). We'll go again but will watch the weather to hopefully avoid some of the mud...
Reviewed by: Decker on 2/17/2011 1:00:19 PM
More reviews by Decker
Experience: Intermediate Ride Date: 7/16/2010 Hometown: Fremont, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

We have ridden these trails several times over the last 2 years.I don't recommend the trails to beginners or out of shape horses when it has been raining alot. The hills become very slick (and some are quite steep) with deep mud at the bottoms durring the wet season.But if you and your horse are experienced they are a lot of fun and challenging enough to keep it quite interesting (you won't get bored!)If you are a beginner I don't recommend the trails unless its been dry out and you are riding with someone more experienced and on a seasoned trail horse.When its dry out this is one of my favorite places to ride especially in the fall its very pretty when the leaves start to change.
Reviewed by: Anonymous on 10/11/2010 12:00:43 AM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: 9/10/2010 Hometown: Wellington, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

My favorite place to ride--enough hills and valleys to keep the horse interested, thinking, and challenged; and besides beautiful scenery for humans. Don't think most people ride far enough to actually cover it all. The campground is nice and we're happy there's no electric because only true horse campers stay there!
Reviewed by: judi on 6/3/2009 5:06:25 PM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: 6/2/2009 Hometown: darke county, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

Beautiful scenery. Mostly very hilly trails not for beginners. It would help if the trail mileage was listed/and the difficulty of the trail. The trails are very long so unless your horse is extremely fit chances are you will only do a part of a trail and turn around and travel the same trail back. Some loops would be helpful, to make the turn around a bit different. Alot of off shoots as well that could stand for some markings as to which was the trail is "supposed to go". If I lived closer I would be out riding here all the time. The camp ground however, is pretty bland. It resembles a field with picket lines made of wire already installed. Unfortunatly some sites, the lines are connected so your horses might be next to a strangers horses. There is also very little shade, and the camp ground is right next to the road. Weather was beautiful for my stay, but can understand how after alot of rain the trails would be a mess.
Reviewed by: Verolin on 5/28/2009 8:44:20 AM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: 5/23/2009 Hometown: Nashville, MI

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

Many tree roots on the hills that can trip your horse up. Lots of deep mud at the bottom of some of the hills. Was not impressed when you think about safety factors involved in trail riding. Would not go there to train a horse or rider, for veterans only.
Reviewed by: Dennis on 10/16/2008 9:36:18 AM
Experience: Not Specified Ride Date: 1/1/2004 Hometown: Ostrander, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

The trails being it's dry are great. The only thing I noticed is some places it has a bunch of paths and no markings to tell you which one to go on. As we've ridden alot we knew but a new rider who not have a clue. I'd furnish the orange tape if somone showed me just how it was to be ridden. The campground has some ground bees so when you find them you know where they are. Nothing to warn you about the bees. Alot of work has been done on these trails and those who did it should be thanked.
Reviewed by: LEE on 7/16/2007 11:09:03 AM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: 7/14/2007 Hometown: , OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

Very muddy after a lot of rain, but the 17 mile trail is awesome. Rode it yesterday. The ups and downs are great, but they weren't that muddy since we haven't had a lot of rain in a couple weeks. The only thing I don't like is that there isn't much water near the trails other then the lake, but it's hard to get to it. Wouldn't ride it on a hot humid day because of the lack of water. If you carry a portable bucket, you'll be alright. The 17 mile trail has a tunnel to go through and a long bridge. Very interesting and a variety of different things on the trails. My 2nd favorite place to ride.
Reviewed by: Nat on 5/1/2006 9:46:33 AM
Experience: Not Specified Ride Date: 5/1/2006 Hometown: Findlay, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

This is not a place to start riding or start a horse. It is very muddy most the time and has some nasty ups and downs. The trails are marked fairly well but ou can get off in some bad areas if you read it wrong. Get some hours under your belt to go here. Camping is fine but not great.
Reviewed by: Lee on 10/24/2005 10:12:06 AM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: Hometown: Caledonia, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

Beauitful trails, challeging for our flat lander horses! Loved the wash rack for the horses. Was very hot 90's and humid, but had a great time. Campground was primitive, but clean. Hoped to get back this fall, but definetly next year.
Reviewed by: Patti on 10/11/2005 8:29:22 PM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: 6/1/2005 Hometown: W. Farmingto, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

Not for beginners. I liked the trails and campground.I camped there in July 2002 and it was still deep mud on alot of the trails. Might be alot better in a dry summer.
Reviewed by: Vivian on 5/25/2004 10:06:45 AM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: Hometown: Johnsville, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

When it's wet, it is awlful! It's wet now (June 22, 03) so don't ride the trail. Without any more rain, the trails should be rideable some time in July. Yes Boni you're right, there's a couple of places where switchbacks would be helpful... but where to put them is the question. New trail locations in some of the worst spots were put in last year but someone doesn't like them because someone keeps removing the direction indicators.
Reviewed by: Walt on 6/22/2003 11:02:23 PM
Experience: Not Specified Ride Date: 6/22/2003 Hometown: Sunbury, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

These trails are downright treacherous when wet. The staight up and down over the many tributaries to Alum Creek Reservoir make for ski slope conditions as excellent as what Colorado has to offer! The trails could greatly benefit from the addition of switch-backs. (sorry Walt!)
Reviewed by: Boni Sutton on 6/11/2003 8:07:50 PM
Experience: Intermediate Ride Date: 8/1/2002 Hometown: Lucas County OHC, OH

Trail Rating: 
Camp Rating: 

The riding doesn't get any better than this. Those volunteers have really done a great job clearing the trails. I rode there today (Aug 28) and even with the recent rain, the trails are in great shape.
Reviewed by: Walt on 8/28/2002 10:35:03 PM
Experience: Expert Ride Date: 8/28/2002 Hometown: Sunbury, OH

Trail Rating:  nbsp;Not Rated
Camp Rating:  nbsp;Not Rated

We rode a little of Hunter's Hollow, and also north of Howard and East of the Resevoir on Monday, last. It was fairly muddy then and the Columbus area has had some heavy rain since. So the trails, and campground could be pretty soggy.
Reviewed by: jwaltert on 5/30/2002 12:32:59 AM
Experience: Ride Date: Hometown: Sunbury, OH